How to have a volume control/widget in Awesome WM?

I simply followed the tutorial at and it worked. However, volume control was only via keyboard. Is this what you were looking for?

I should note that I'm on debian (testing) which I think uses awesome 3.4.

-- Update: After some testing out, I found, which has mouse controls (scroll mouse to control volume, and click to toggle mute). Following the tutorial works on my box.

I'd like to mention following implementations just in case somebody is interested to have a volume control widget compatible with Awesome WM 4+:


From left to right:

  • volume widget
  • volumebar-widget
  • volumearc-widget

All three widgets support mouse control: scroll up/down - increases/decreases volume, click - toggles mute.

If you have media keys you can use this

awful.key({}, "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", function () awful.util.spawn("amixer -D pulse sset Master 2%+", false) end),
awful.key({}, "XF86AudioLowerVolume", function () awful.util.spawn("amixer -D pulse sset Master 2%-", false) end),
awful.key({}, "XF86AudioMute", function () awful.util.spawn("amixer -D pulse sset Master toggle", false) end),

in globalkeys in your rc.lua script


