Drupal - How to hide a content type on the node add page?

Two possibilities:

  • admin/structure/menu/manage/navigation move/delete menu item that you don't want.
  • Cleanest way: use roles and permissions. If the user can't create a content type the link will not appear in any menu.

Put this in a custom module:

function yourcustommodule_menu_alter(&$items) {
  if (isset($items['node/add/your-content-type'])) {
    $items['node/add/your-content-type']['type'] = MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK;


MENU_CALLBACK, as suggested in other answers, didn't work for me here. They still appear on the node/add page.

This code worked:

function MYMODULE_menu_alter(&$items) {
  if (isset($items['node/add/your-content-type'])) {

Of course, it assumes you want to disable (not hide) the node/add link for that type.


The node/add page is provided by the Node module. You might be able to do what you want by disabling the menu item in the Navigation menu, according to this post: http://data.agaric.com/disabling-or-moving-nodeaddcontent-type-links-from-beneath-add-content-navigation-menu-also-removes

It's a bit of a bug, so it might not be a reliable way to do it. Personally, I'd create a custom version of the node/add page in a module by copying the existing one and making my specific modifications. Then I would use hook_menu_alter to make node/add go to my version.

You might be able to replace it with a view or panel instead (with Page Manager), but I haven't tried this, and you'd probably lose the automation.

