How to highlight Python syntax in LaTeX Listings \lstinputlistings command

Good approach is defining new environments for programming language. Minimal setup can be around this:


% Default fixed font does not support bold face
\DeclareFixedFont{\ttb}{T1}{txtt}{bx}{n}{12} % for bold
\DeclareFixedFont{\ttm}{T1}{txtt}{m}{n}{12}  % for normal

% Custom colors


% Python style for highlighting
morekeywords={self},              % Add keywords here
emph={MyClass,__init__},          % Custom highlighting
emphstyle=\ttb\color{deepred},    % Custom highlighting style
frame=tb,                         % Any extra options here

% Python environment

% Python for external files

% Python for inline


\section{``In-text'' listing highlighting}

class MyClass(Yourclass):
    def __init__(self, my, yours):
        bla = '5 1 2 3 4'
        print bla

\section{External listing highlighting}


\section{Inline highlighting}

Definition \pythoninline{class MyClass} means \dots



enter image description here

I found this python package pythonhighlight on Github

Define it like this \usepackage{pythonhighlight} and use it like this:

def f(x):
    return x

I'd consider running your code through pygments to generate the latex, probably using the minted package. You can get some details here .