How to identify a given string is hex color format

This should match any #rgb, #rgba, #rrggbb, and #rrggbbaa syntax:


break down:

^            // start of line
#            // literal pound sign, followed by
(?:          // either:
  (?:          // a non-capturing group of:
    [\da-f]{3}   // exactly 3 of: a single digit or a letter 'a'–'f'
  ){1,2}       // repeated exactly 1 or 2 times
|            // or:
  (?:          // a non-capturing group of:
    [\da-f]{4}   // exactly 4 of: a single digit or a letter 'a'–'f'
  ){1,2}       // repeated exactly 1 or 2 times
$            // end of line
i            // ignore case (let 'A'–'F' match 'a'–'f')

Notice that the above is not equivalent to this syntax, which is incorrect:


This would allow a group of 3 followed by a group of 4, such as #1234567, which is not a valid hex color.

all answers mentioned RGB format, here is regex for ARGB format:


Minor disagreement with the other solution. I'd say


The reason is that this (correctly) captures the individual RGB components. The other expression broke #112233 in three parts, '#' 112 233. The syntax is actually '#' (RR GG BB) | (R G B)

The slight disadvantage is more backtracking is required. When parsing #CCC you don't know that the second C is the green component until you hit the end of the string; when parsing #CCCCCC you don't know that the second C is still part of the red component until you see the 4th C.

It also works great for RGBA but the other solution doesn't

const thisRegex = /#(([0-9a-fA-F]{2}){3,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]){3,4})/g
document.write("#fff;ae#rvaerv c #fffaff---#afd #ffff".match(thisRegex))
// #fff,#fffaff,#afd,#ffff

the other solution doesn't recognize #fffaff well

const theOtherSolutionRegex = /#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3,4}){1,2}/g
document.write("#fff;ae#rvaerv c #fffaff---#afd #ffff".match(theOtherSolutionRegex))
// #fff,#fffa,#afd,#ffff

Note: This is strictly for validation, i.e. accepting a valid hex color. For actual parsing you won't get the individual parts out of this.





^              anchor for start of string
#              the literal #
(              start of group
 ?:            indicate a non-capturing group that doesn't generate backreferences
 [0-9a-fA-F]   hexadecimal digit
 {3}           three times
)              end of group
{1,2}          repeat either once or twice
$              anchor for end of string

This will match an arbitrary hexadecimal color value that can be used in CSS, such as #91bf4a or #f13.


