How to ignore specific type of uncaught exception in Eclipse?

In Debug perspective, Breakpoints view, click on Java Exception Breakpoints (an icon with small letter J and exclamation mark, J!). In the appearing Add Java Exception Breakpoint window, you can find your annoying exception and uncheck "Suspend on Uncaught Exception" box.

Have you tried this?

Go to Window->Preferences->Java->Debug

Under "Suspend Execution" uncheck "Suspend Execution on uncaught exceptions"

I'm not sure there's a way to disable for specific exceptions, but I could be wrong. There might possibly be a plugin that does it.

I would recommend trying to solve this in code instead. Find the place in your code where you are initializing this library and catch this exception instead of letting it propagate up the stack, which is not considered "normal" behavior.

An old thread, but figured I'd add a bit to it.

In at least Eclipse Indigo: In the Debug Perspective->Breakpoints view:

  1. Specify a breakpoint for Exceptions (and potentially subclasses) you want to pause on. This is done by clicking the "Add Java Exception Breakpoint". An icon that is a J and an exclamation point.
  2. Right click the breakpoint and select "Breakpoint Properties"
  3. Go to "Filtering"
  4. Specify the Class or Packages you want to ignore. This will add them to the list. Just be sure to uncheck them to delineate that it's exclusive (do not stop in the specified location)

I tend to use this so that I can specify NullPointerExceptions as a general exception breakpoint, but ignore packages that are from third party libraries.