How to ignore .svn folder when searching in Total Commander

  • With Total Commander 8.01: Configuration menu / Options / (Operation) / Ignore List
  • With older versions: Configuration menu / Options / (Display) / Ignore List

Then add


to the textbox.

In version 9.12 you should also use an asterix. So add the following to Configuration menu / Options / (Operation) / Ignore List:


To exclude some files or folders from your search, use the following syntax in "Search field:":

  1. Exclude from search *.bak and *.old files

    my*.*|*.bak *.old
  2. Don't search in .svn folders

  3. Don't search in .git folder


The meaning of | is: 'and not'. Everything after it is excluded from the search. This syntax can also be used in other places, for example inside the ignore list.