How to implement the "parent-to-child" navigational transition as prescribed by Material Design

One option is to use ActivityOptionsCompat.makeScaleUpAnimation

Activity activity = getActivity();
Intent intent = new Intent(activity, OtherActivity.class);
Bundle options = ActivityOptionsCompat.makeScaleUpAnimation(
    sourceView, 0, 0, sourceView.getWidth(), sourceView.getHeight()).toBundle();

ActivityCompat.startActivity(activity, intent, options);

This will cause the new activity to expand vertically and horizontally outwards from your sourceView

Start an activity with a shared element

To make a screen transition animation between two activities that have a shared element:

Enable window content transitions in your theme. Specify a shared elements transition in your style. Define your transition as an XML resource. Assign a common name to the shared elements in both layouts with the android:transitionName attribute. Use the ActivityOptions.makeSceneTransitionAnimation() method.

// get the element that receives the click event
final View imgContainerView = findViewById(;

// get the common element for the transition in this activity
final View androidRobotView = findViewById(;

// define a click listener
imgContainerView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View view) {
        Intent intent = new Intent(this, Activity2.class);
        // create the transition animation - the images in the layouts
        // of both activities are defined with android:transitionName="robot"
        ActivityOptions options = ActivityOptions
            .makeSceneTransitionAnimation(this, androidRobotView, "robot");
        // start the new activity
        startActivity(intent, options.toBundle());

For shared dynamic views that you generate in your code, use the View.setTransitionName() method to specify a common element name in both activities.

To reverse the scene transition animation when you finish the second activity, call the Activity.finishAfterTransition() method instead of Activity.finish().

Take from here Customize Activity Transitions