How to implement this (HttpContext) dependency in Unity?

I wouldn't take a dependency on HttpContextBase directly. I would instead create a wrapper around it, and use the bits you need:

public interface IHttpContextBaseWrapper
   HttpRequestBase Request {get;}
   HttpResponseBase Response {get;}
   //and anything else you need

then the implementation:

public class HttpContextBaseWrapper : IHttpContextBaseWrapper
   public HttpRequestBase Request {get{return HttpContext.Current.Request;}}
   public HttpResponseBase Response {get{return HttpContext.Current.Response;}}
   //and anything else you need

This way, your class now just relies on a wrapper, and doesn't need the actual HttpContext to function. Makes it much easier to inject, and much easier to test:

public SiteVariation(IHttpContextBaseWrapper context)


var container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<IHttpContextBaseWrapper ,HttpContextBaseWrapper>();

Microsoft has already built great wrappers and abstractions around HttpContext, HttpRequest and HttpResponse that is included in .NET so I would definitely use those directly rather than wrapping it myself.

You can configure Unity for HttpContextBase by using InjectionFactory, like this:

var container = new UnityContainer(); 

container.RegisterType<HttpContextBase>(new InjectionFactory(_ => 
    new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current)));

Additionally, if you need HttpRequestBase (which I tend to use the most) and HttpResponseBase, you can register them like this:

container.RegisterType<HttpRequestBase>(new InjectionFactory(_ => 
    new HttpRequestWrapper(HttpContext.Current.Request)));

container.RegisterType<HttpResponseBase>(new InjectionFactory(_ => 
    new HttpResponseWrapper(HttpContext.Current.Response)));

You can easily mock HttpContextBase, HttpRequestBase and HttpResponseBase in unit tests without custom wrappers.