how to import package in python code example
Example 1: python how to import module
Step 1) Go to your command terminal, (aka command prompt, MacOScommandline, Command line for linux)
Step 2) You will have to install something called pip.
py -m pip install --upgrade pip
apt-get install python3-pip
curl -o
sudo easy_install pip
step 3)
pip install [name of module]
step 4)
from [name of module] import [package name]
import [name of module]
import [name of module] as [name of your choice]
from [name of module] import [package name] as [name of package of your choice]
Example 2: how to import python
import random
from os import name, system
import time as t
Example 3: importing modules with package in python
from pakage_name.module_name import function_name
from pakage_name import module_name
Example 4: python import as
from time import sleep as stop