Drupal - How to improve Drupal speed when developing in localhost

The best tip you can use (this really change my life) is adding a line in your my.cnf file:

innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 0

You can find this file in your wamp folder or if your on linux server: /etc/mysql/my.cnf


Install and enable APC. As I tested in Drupal 7, this will make your local site faster.

You can probably get further by changing how you work instead of making Drupal faster on page loads.

The main thing here is using Drush to do stuff like clearing the cache (Even when disabling the page cache, there is still dozens of different caches involved, for example for hook implementations), installing/re-installing modules and so on.

And of course, APC should be installed, yes. You could even think about using http://drupal.org/project/apc to store parts of the cache in APC. This will however conflict with drush (you can't clear the APC cache by using drush) and will require additionaly RAM.
