How to include file in a bash shell script

Simply put inside your script :

source FILE


. FILE # POSIX compliant

$ LANG=C help source
source: source filename [arguments]
Execute commands from a file in the current shell.

Read and execute commands from FILENAME in the current shell.  The
entries in $PATH are used to find the directory containing FILENAME.
If any ARGUMENTS are supplied, they become the positional parameters
when FILENAME is executed.

Exit Status:
Returns the status of the last command executed in FILENAME; fails if
FILENAME cannot be read.

Above answers are correct, but if you run script in another folder, there will be some problem.

For example, and are in same folder, a use . ./ to include b.

When you run script out of the folder, for example, xx/xx/xx/, file will not found: ./ No such file or directory.

So I use

. $(dirname "$0")/