How to include local file of font awesome 4.1 without using CDN?

Just Downloading Css and linking to the file will not make sense,You should look into the css file....

You havent Downloaded the fonts folder in which all fonts styles are stored... So Download it and give path to the font files located on your system , I have shown the links in boxes which you need to add links in font-awesome css files..

Download fonts from the cdn links and store in fonts folder..

bootstram font awesome

Hope this will work for you..

Since I am using FontAwesome V5.3.1, I would like to update this answer since the folder structure was changed a bit in this version.

  1. First, download the FontAwesome v5.3.1 and extract the folder.
  2. Copy the all.min.css file from the CSS folder and add it in your stylesheets.
  3. Now, Copy the webfonts folder from FontAwesome extract and place it into your project one directory above to your all.min.css file. (Refer the image below)

enter image description here

Since all.min.css file refers to the webfonts folder now, we need to add this file along with the webfonts folder.

src: url("../webfonts/fa-brands-400.eot"); // This is how it is been referred now in all.min.css file.

Thank you.

  1. Download the fontawesome package from their website.
  2. Extract the package where you will find the fontawesome.css file.
  3. Copy this file to your css directory
  4. copy all the fonts files from the extracted fontawesome package to your fonts folder.
  5. Finally add the fontawesome.css to your html page by giving respective location of the css file.

AND Voila !