How to include multiple js files using jQuery $.getScript() method

The answer is

You can use promises with getScript() and wait until all the scripts are loaded, something like:

    $.getScript( "/mypath/myscript1.js" ),
    $.getScript( "/mypath/myscript2.js" ),
    $.getScript( "/mypath/myscript3.js" ),
    $.Deferred(function( deferred ){
        $( deferred.resolve );
    //place your code here, the scripts are all loaded



In the above code, adding a Deferred and resolving it inside $() is like placing any other function inside a jQuery call, like $(func), it's the same as

$(function() { func(); });

i.e. it waits for the DOM to be ready, so in the above example $.when waits for all the scripts to be loaded and for the DOM to be ready because of the $.Deferred call which resolves in the DOM ready callback.

For more generic use, a handy function

A utility function that accepts any array of scripts could be created like this :

$.getMultiScripts = function(arr, path) {
    var _arr = $.map(arr, function(scr) {
        return $.getScript( (path||"") + scr );
    _arr.push($.Deferred(function( deferred ){
        $( deferred.resolve );
    return $.when.apply($, _arr);

which can be used like this

var script_arr = [

$.getMultiScripts(script_arr, '/mypath/').done(function() {
    // all scripts loaded

where the path will be prepended to all scripts, and is also optional, meaning that if the array contain the full URL's one could also do this, and leave out the path all together

$.getMultiScripts(script_arr).done(function() { ...

Arguments, errors etc.

As an aside, note that the done callback will contain a number of arguments matching the passed in scripts, each argument representing an array containing the response

$.getMultiScripts(script_arr).done(function(response1, response2, response3) { ...

where each array will contain something like [content_of_file_loaded, status, xhr_object]. We generally don't need to access those arguments as the scripts will be loaded automatically anyway, and most of the time the done callback is all we're really after to know that all scripts have been loaded, I'm just adding it for completeness, and for the rare occasions when the actual text from the loaded file needs to be accessed, or when one needs access to each XHR object or something similar.

Also, if any of the scripts fail to load, the fail handler will be called, and subsequent scripts will not be loaded

$.getMultiScripts(script_arr).done(function() {
     // all done
}).fail(function(error) {
     // one or more scripts failed to load
}).always(function() {
     // always called, both on success and error

Load the following up needed script in the callback of the previous one like:

$.getScript('scripta.js', function()
   $.getScript('scriptb.js', function()
       // run script that depends on scripta.js and scriptb.js

I implemented a simple function to load multiple scripts in parallel:


function getScripts(scripts, callback) {
    var progress = 0;
    scripts.forEach(function(script) { 
        $.getScript(script, function () {
            if (++progress == scripts.length) callback();


getScripts(["script1.js", "script2.js"], function () {
    // do something...