How to init a Rust vector with a generator function?
Pretty late to this party, but: resize_with
You can use a range
withing a map
and then collect the results.
Like in the example for F#
let my_vector : Vec<i32> = (1..11).map(|x| x*x).collect();
Check this Playground
Though @Netwave provides the answer, I'd point to a solution which uses it and provides both more reusability and readability.
Define a generic function, playground:
fn initialize<T>(count: usize, f: fn(usize) -> T) -> Vec<T> { (0..count).map(f).collect() } fn main() { let my_vector = initialize(10, |i| i as i32); for e in my_vector { println!("{}", e); } }
Define a trait, implement it for whatever you want and use it, playground:
trait Initializer<T> { fn initialize(count: usize, f: fn(usize) -> T) -> Vec<T> { (0..count).map(f).collect() } } impl<T> Initializer<T> for Vec<T> {} fn main() { let my_vector = Vec::initialize(10, |i| i as i32); for e in my_vector { println!("{}", e); } }
or more general way:
trait Initializer<T, U> { fn initialize(count: usize, f: fn(usize) -> U) -> T; } impl<T: std::iter::FromIterator<U>, U> Initializer<T, U> for T { fn initialize(count: usize, f: fn(usize) -> U) -> T { (0..count).map(f).collect::<T>() } } fn main() { let my_vector = Vec::initialize(10, |i| i as i32); for e in my_vector { println!("{}", e); } }
Write a macro, playground:
macro_rules! vec_init { ($count: expr, $f: expr) => { (0..$count).map($f).collect() } } fn main() { let my_vector: Vec<i32> = vec_init!(10, |i| i as i32); }
The base still the same is in the @Netwave's answer. You've asked that you want something like:
// Looking for something similar to:
Vec<T>::init(n : usize, generator : F) -> Vec<T>
where F: Fn(usize) -> T {
// ...
And there is exactly this code in the second item.