How to input a null character into a web form?
my suggestion would be to write the null character to an html element you would like it in ex:
document.getElementByID("my_null_tag").innerHTML += "\0"
I was able to do this using TamperData Firefox plugin.
When given the Tamper Popup I typed "%00" in the Post Parameter Value field.
Still, I cannot find a way to type a null character just using the keyboard.
You can use an HTML entity. Not fully sure of how many zeroes are required but:
For an arbitrary Unicode character it's easier to use the hexadecimal notation. E.g., ㍝
prints ㍝ wich is U+335D
Update: This question is pretty tricky indeed. I've managed to insert a null character inside an HTML document (using a server-side script and verified with an hexadecimal editor). As expected, there is no difference with the HTML entity, which can be either �
or �
. But the browser does not send the character in the post request (tested with Firefox and Firebug): it sends %EF%BF%BD
, which is REPLACEMENT CHARACTER' (U+FFFD). Exactly, it sends the interrogation mark in a box that's used to print the null in the document (given that null is not printable).
My guess is that your testers need to script the task.