How to insert a background image in a beamer frame?
I used images Sir Isaac Newton (rename it as newton.jpg) and Kitten (rename it as kitten.jpg)
The code snippet below is self-explanatory and I compiled using pdflatex.exe because of .jpg
%Global Background must be put in preamble
\item 1
\item 2
\item 3
% Local background must be enclosed by curly braces for grouping.
\item 1
\item 2
\item 3
\item 1
\item 2
\item 3
Write \usebackgroundtemplate
before the frame, not within:
% Now we install the new template for the following frames:
% Now we install another template, effective from now on:
Ensure that \includegraphics
is able to find the image file, since you used ../images/crayons.png
Edit: The \usebackgroundtemplate
should be enclosed with curly braces along with frame (or frames) which it should affect