How to insert curly bracket in multirow table

The bigdelimpackage, which comes with multirow is designed for this sort of things. I added some improvements of the table with makecell and booktabs:

\usepackage{array, multirow, bigdelim, makecell, booktabs} 


\begin{tabular}{c c cl}
\thead{Cycle\\ Step} & \thead{Temp \\(\textcelsius)} & \thead{Time}\\
1 & 95 & 5\,min \\
2 & 95 & 30\,s & \hspace{-1em}\rdelim\}{3}{*}[${}\times35$ cycles] \\
3 & 60 & 30\,s \\
4 & 68 & 40\,s \\
5 & 68 & 5\,min \\


enter image description here

Something like that?


Another solution to let the right brace out of the tabular, with an ugly hack, to mimic what @Bernard proposed.



        \begin{tabular}{@{}c c l@{}}
            \textbf{Cycle Step} & \textbf{Temp $\left(\si{\celsius}\right)$} & \textbf{Time}\\
            1 & 95 & \SI{5}{\minute} \\
            2 & 95 & \multirow{3}{*}{$\left.\begin{array}{l}
                \end{array}\right\rbrace\times\SI{35}{cycles}$} \\
            3 & 60 &  \\
            4 & 68 & \\
            5 & 68 & \SI{5}{\minute}\\

        \begin{tabular}{@{}c cc@{} l@{}}
            \textbf{Cycle Step} & \textbf{Temp $\left(\si{\celsius}\right)$} & \textbf{Time}\\
            1 & 95 & \SI{5}{\minute} & \\
            2 & 95 & \SI{30}{\second} & \multirow{3}{*}{\hspace{-1em}$\left.\begin{array}{l}
                \end{array}\right\rbrace\times\SI{35}{cycles}$} \\
            3 & 60 & \SI{30}{\second} & \\
            4 & 68 & \SI{45}{\second} &\\
            5 & 68 & \SI{5}{\minute}\\


enter image description here