How to insert the markers at two particular points
markermode1b = {{[email protected], 1.87835}, {[email protected], 2.53793}};
ListLogLinearPlot[Transpose[{ks1, b1}], Joined -> True,
PlotRangeClipping -> False,
PlotStyle -> {Black, Thickness[0.01]}, AxesStyle -> Black,
Epilog -> {Red, Text[Style["\[SixPointedStar]", 36], #] & /@ markermode1b}]
Update: "to make the lower one filled with colour and the upper one unfilled with colour"
star = First[First[ImportString[ExportString[
Style["\[SixPointedStar]", FontSize -> 16], "PDF"], "PDF", "TextMode" -> "Outlines"]]];
emptyhex = Graphics[{EdgeForm[{Thickness[.1], Red}], White, star}, ImageSize -> 20];
filledhex = Graphics[{EdgeForm[], Red, star}, ImageSize -> 20];
ListLogLinearPlot[Transpose[{ks1, b1}], Joined -> True,
PlotStyle -> {Black, Thickness[0.01]}, AxesStyle -> Black,
Epilog -> {Inset[filledhex, markermode1b[[1]]],
Inset[emptyhex, markermode1[[2]]]}, PlotRangeClipping -> False]
Update 2: Alternatively, you can use Mesh
combined with a Dynamic
setting for PlotMarkers
hex = {filledhex, emptyhex};
ListLogLinearPlot[Transpose[{ks1, b1}],
Joined -> True, PlotStyle -> {Black, Thickness[0.01]},
AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRangeClipping -> False, PlotRange -> All,
Mesh -> {markermode1[[All, 1]]},
PlotMarkers -> Dynamic[{Last[hex = RotateRight[hex]], .1}]]
Creating a second ListLogLinearPlot
solves this problem without having to modify markermode1
s1 = ListLogLinearPlot[
Transpose[{ks1, b1}],
Joined -> True,
PlotStyle -> {Black, Thickness[0.01]},
AxesStyle -> Black
s2 = ListLogLinearPlot[
PlotMarkers -> Text[Style["\[SixPointedStar]", 36]],
PlotStyle -> Red
Show[s1, s2]
We can also put these together like this:
s1 = ListLogLinearPlot[
{Transpose[{ks1, b1}], markermode1},
Joined -> {True, False},
PlotStyle -> {{Black, Thickness[0.01]}, Red},
PlotMarkers -> {{Graphics[], 0}, {Text[Style["\[SixPointedStar]", 36]], 1}},
AxesStyle -> Black
We can accommodate the filled and unfilled marker types by making one data series for each type. I used the nice markers that kglr created in his answer:
data = Transpose[{ks1, b1}];
filledMarkers = {{0.943, 1.87835}};
unfilledMarkers = {{41086.3, 2.53793}};
s1 = ListLogLinearPlot[
{data, filledMarkers, unfilledMarkers},
Joined -> {True, False, False},
PlotStyle -> {{Black, Thickness[0.01]}, Red, Red},
PlotMarkers -> {
{Graphics[], 0},
{filledhex, 0.1},
{emptyhex, 0.1}
AxesStyle -> Black