How to install HeidiSQL on Ubuntu
Step 1: install Wine
There are three ways how you can get Wine. You can either download the stable version from the official Ubuntu repository, download it from Wine's repository, or compile the source yourself.
The simplest option is probably downloading it from the Ubuntu repository, using the command line:
sudo apt-get install wine
Follow the instructions, you will need to accept a license agreement for TrueType fonts. Use the arrow keys (← and →) and Enter to accept the terms.
Step 2: download HeidiSQL
Download the installer from
Step 3: install HeidiSQL using Wine
Open the installer for HeidiSQL with Wine and follow the steps to install the application.
Step 4: add the HeidiSQL icon to the launcher (optional)
This step is optional, even without it you can start using HeidiSQL. However, I wanted to add a shortcut to the launcher, but this wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. I finally managed to do so by following these steps:
- First, find out where Wine is storing the HeidiSQL icon. In my instance, it was in
. - You also need the location of the HeidiSQL executable. In my instance, it's in
/home/nic/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/HeidiSQL
. With this information, we can create a new file in
, calledheidisql.desktop
.sudo gedit ~/.local/share/applications/heidisql.desktop
(you can use another text editor instead of gedit, of course).
Fill it with:
[Desktop Entry] Name=HeidiSQL Comment=HeidiSQL on Ubuntu Exec=env WINEDEBUG=-all WINEPREFIX=/home/USER/.wine wine heidisql.exe Icon=/home/USER/.local/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/9103_heidisql.0.png Path=/home/USER/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/HeidiSQL Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Wine; StartupNotify=true StartupWMClass=heidisql.exe
(of course you need to change the paths after
with the appropriate ones.StartupWMClass=
is not compulsory but having this entry pointed to application executable filename fixes issue with unity launcher showing generic wine app icon when the app is running)Add the icon to the launcher. Either go to
using the file browser, look for the HeidiSQL icon and drag it to the launcher, or search for HeidiSQL in Dash and drag the icon from there. (as Dash might contain two identical icons for HeidiSQL, and only one is the right one, I suggest the first method)
For more information about .desktop
files, see