How to install PyGame on Python 3.4?

You can install the wheel file for Python 3.4 here:

First you have to install the wheel package from pip then install Pygame.

pip install wheel

pip install pygame‑1.9.2a0‑cp34‑none‑win_amd64.whl

Here's a video to help you install pip on Youtube.

14 y/o? Good for you! You can put the file into your python/scripts folder and run pip install *file* (where *file* is your filename).

Here is a great VIDEO tutorial: (it is on youtube)

This is what I use to install .whl modules to python (I do this in the 64 bit windows cmd):

cd "C:\Users\(YOUR USERNAME)\Desktop" 

(assuming that you have the .whl file on your desktop)

C:\Python34\Scripts\pip install filename.whl

(where filename.whl is the full name of the .whl file, with the .whl extension)

After that it will install, and you are free to use PyGame!

Here is a link to download pygame for different versions of Python, up to Python 3.4 in 32 bit and 64 bit.

To test if it installed properly, open your python shell and type in this code:

import pygame

Please note that these are not official binaries and you are basically trusting a third-party to compile and provide the binary for you.