How to install sshpass on mac?

Update 2022: Unfortunately, Aleks Hudochenkov is no longer updating his repo. There are a bunch of other repos on GitHub that purport to contain a Homebrew recipe for sshpass. It's up to you which of them (if any) to trust.

Some years have passed and there is now a proper Homebrew Tap for sshpass, maintained by Aleks Hudochenkov. To install sshpass from this tap, run:

brew install hudochenkov/sshpass/sshpass

Tap source

There are instructions on how to install sshpass here:

For Mac you will need to install xcode and command line tools then use the unofficial Homewbrew command:

curl -L > sshpass.rb && brew install sshpass.rb && rm sshpass.rb

Another option in 2020 is this homebrew tap, maintained by esolitos

brew install esolitos/ipa/sshpass



