How to integrate sound with desktop events?

The sound naming specification is fairly complete at this point. However, the default GNOME and freedesktop sound theme are not complete (and for some good reasons). Also, many applications are not making using of sound events, although they could.

On GNOME, libcanberra is commonly used to play sound events.

By adding custom file in $XDG_DATA_DIRS/sounds, you can customize your sound set.

My theme is "ubuntu", I can add a file: in $HOME/.local/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/battery-low.oga

and test it with ex: canberra-gtk-play -i battery-low

Read the specs and the gnome theme package for further informations. More themes are welcome! We have been looking for help in the past, and ubuntu as well today.

As Miguel de Icaza said in an earlier post: "This functionality is desktop and window manager specific."

In KDE desktop environment you can integrate sounds with desktop events, by going to

Configure Desktop->Application and System Notifications.

This functionality is desktop and window manager specific.

In particular in Gnome, the desktop is implemented independently of your window manager. Those events that are triggered by Gnome are controlled by the gnome-volume-control program:

alt text

If you changed your default window manager configuration, it will depend on the window manager that you have selected.