How to Iterate through HashMap in MyBatis foreach?

this is an example in my project and it works fine

<select id="getObject" parameterType="Map" resultType="hashmap">    
    select * from TABL where 
    <foreach  collection="dataMap"  index="key" item="value"  open=""  separator=" and "  close="">

This solution doesn't work since version 3.2 - see more in Issue #208 !

Finally I've the solution for HashMap

I Should use entrySet() in order to make it iteratable

<select id="selectCOLC" parameterType="map" resultType="kpMap">
    WHERE (COL_A, COL_B) in 
    <foreach item="item" collection="entries.entrySet()" open="((" separator="),(" close="))">

One more Isue I was facing parameter name was not getting injected, Hence added @Param annotation

Hence mapper interface looks like below.

List<TblData> selectCOLC(@Param("entries")
            HashMap<String, String> entries)