How to know if Android TalkBack is active?
You can create an inline function in kotlin like:
fun Context.isScreenReaderOn():Boolean{
val am = getSystemService(Context.ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE) as AccessibilityManager
if (am != null && am.isEnabled) {
val serviceInfoList =
if (!serviceInfoList.isEmpty())
return true
return false}
And then you can just call it whenever you need it like:
Tested and works fine for now.
The recommended way of doing this is to query the AccessibilityManager
for the enabled state of accessibility services.
AccessibilityManager am = (AccessibilityManager) getSystemService(ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE);
boolean isAccessibilityEnabled = am.isEnabled();
boolean isExploreByTouchEnabled = am.isTouchExplorationEnabled();
Novoda have released a library called accessibilitools which does this check. It queries the accessibility manager to check if there are any accessibility services enabled that support the "spoken feedback" flag.
AccessibilityServices services = AccessibilityServices.newInstance(context);
public boolean isSpokenFeedbackEnabled() {
List<AccessibilityServiceInfo> enabledServices = getEnabledServicesFor(AccessibilityServiceInfo.FEEDBACK_SPOKEN);
return !enabledServices.isEmpty();
private List<AccessibilityServiceInfo> getEnabledServicesFor(int feedbackTypeFlags) {
return accessibilityManager.getEnabledAccessibilityServiceList(feedbackTypeFlags);