How to limit file types on file uploads for ModelForms with FileFields?

An easier way of doing it is as below in your Form

file = forms.FileField(widget=forms.FileInput(attrs={'accept':'application/pdf'}))

Create a validation method like:

def validate_file_extension(value):
    if not'.pdf'):
        raise ValidationError(u'Error message')

and include it on the FileField validators like this:

actual_file = models.FileField(upload_to='uploaded_files', validators=[validate_file_extension])

Also, instead of manually setting which extensions your model allows, you should create a list on your and iterate over it.


To filter for multiple files:

def validate_file_extension(value):
  import os
  ext = os.path.splitext([1]
  valid_extensions = ['.pdf','.doc','.docx']
  if not ext in valid_extensions:
    raise ValidationError(u'File not supported!')

Validating with the extension of a file name is not a consistent way. For example I can rename a picture.jpg into a picture.pdf and the validation won't raise an error.

A better approach is to check the content_type of a file.

Validation Method

def validate_file_extension(value):
    if value.file.content_type != 'application/pdf':
        raise ValidationError(u'Error message')


actual_file = models.FileField(upload_to='uploaded_files', validators=[validate_file_extension])