Wordpress - How to limit the number of posts that WP_Query gets?

I think that now I understand what you are trying to do. When you run a custom query with WP_Query and set the limit to get only 5 posts per page, only 5 posts will be retrieved by the query and that query will only hold 5 posts, BUT for the sake of pagination, WP_Query still runs through the whole database and counts all the posts that matches the criteria of the query.

That can be seen when you look at the $found_posts and $max_num_pages properties of the query. Lets take an example:

You have 20 posts belonging to the default post type post. You only need the latest 5 posts without pagination. Your query looks like this

$q = new WP_Query( 'posts_per_page=5' );
  • var_dump( $q->posts ) will give you the latest 5 posts as expected
  • echo $q->found_posts will give you 20
  • echo $q->max_num_pages will give you 4

The impact of this extra work is minimal on sites with only a few posts, but this can gt expensive if you are running a site with hundreds or thousands of posts. This is a waste of resources if you are only ever going to need the 5 latest posts

There is an undocumented parameter called no_found_rows which uses boolean values which you can use to make your query bail after it found the 5 posts you need. This will force WP_Query not to look for any more posts mathing the criteria after it has retrieved the amount of posts queried. This parameter is already build into get_posts, that is why get_posts is a bit faster than WP_Query although get_posts uses WP_Query


In conclusion, if you are not going to use pagination on a query, it is always wise to 'no_found_rows=true' in your query to speed things up and to save on wasting resources.

Ok , lets you have post type called 'blog_posts' , and you want to fetch 5 posts of that post type . Here is what you need to do

$args = array(
        'post_type' => 'blog_posts',
        'posts_per_page' => '5',

$query = new WP_Query($args);

The above query will return 5 posts of type 'blog_posts' , if it is not a custom post type , then just replace like this 'post_type' => 'posts', if you want to fetch all posts then replace like this 'posts_per_page' => '-1', , for more details WP Query

After the conversation with @Pieter Goosen on the comments of the question, I think I can answer the question and explain my mistake.

The key is that found_posts was confussing me. I thougth that, that number is the posts retrieved but is not. It is the number of posts that match the criteria. It's like the WP_Query had 2 parts: one for finding (all) the posts, and other for fetching the content, when it checks for the pagination parameters. So we have the $post_count property that is the number of posts fetched (Codex says The number of posts being displayed), that of course is equal to the number on posts_per_page parameter, and the number of items on the $posts array property.

So WP_Query is not doing any useless work, as I thought ^^

Hope this helps others!