How to list all configuration files for an already installed package?

There's no need to use anything other than cat, if I understood your intention correctly:

cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/<package>.conffiles

should give you what you're after. For instance for package zsh:

% cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/zsh.conffiles

Regarding a case where there's no such file for a given package - it's up to the package maintainer to designate certain files as configuration. If this hasn't been done properly, you should file a bug where appropriate.

In such cases you have a couple of options.

  1. List files belonging to the package that are in /etc/:

    dpkg -L package | grep '/etc'
  2. Fetch and inspect the source package to find out how it was compiled (which should also show you where it expects its configuration files to be located).

    apt-get source package
    less package-x.y.z/debian/rules
  3. Look up the upstream project page to find documentation.