How to listen to click event on Android Chrome in WebVR/A-Frame?

I've finally found an approach that works. We have to use native WebVR APIs:

function addVRClickListener(clickCallback) {
    let lastButtonState = [];
    let presentingDisplay = null;

    // Set up a loop to check gamepad state while any VRDisplay is presenting.
    function onClickListenerFrame() {
      // Only reschedule the loop if a display is still presenting.
      if (presentingDisplay && presentingDisplay.isPresenting) {
      let gamepads = navigator.getGamepads();
      for (let i = 0; i < gamepads.length; ++i) {
        let gamepad = gamepads[i];
        // Ensure the gamepad is valid and has buttons.
        if (gamepad &&
            gamepad.buttons.length) {
          let lastState = lastButtonState[i] || false;
          let newState = gamepad.buttons[0].pressed;
          // If the primary button state has changed from not pressed to pressed 
          // over the last frame then fire the callback.
          if (newState && !lastState) {
          lastButtonState[i] = newState;

    window.addEventListener('vrdisplaypresentchange', (event) => {
      // When using the polyfill, CustomEvents require event properties to
      // be attached to the `detail` property; native implementations
      // are able to attach `display` directly on the event.
      var display = event.detail ? event.detail.display : event.display;
      if (display.isPresenting) {
        let scheduleFrame = !presentingDisplay;
        presentingDisplay = display;
        if (scheduleFrame)
      } else if (presentingDisplay == display) {
        presentingDisplay = null;


Then we can register the click:


The problem I see in A-frame's code is that it's not accounting for display change (non vr -> vr) for propagating the touch events.

This seems to be a bug in A-Frame.