How to make a bash script that creates 40 simultaneous instances of a program?

You can use a loop and start the processes in the background with &:

for (( i=0; i<40; i++ )); do
   php /home/calculatedata.php &

If these processes are the only instances of PHP you have running and you want to kill them all, the easiest way is killall:

killall php

for instance in {1..40}
  php myscript &

How about running the php process in the background:

for ((i=1;i<=40;i+=1)); do
  php /home/calculatedata.php &

You can terminate all the instances of these background running PHP process by issuing:

killall php

Make sure you don't have any other php processes running, as they too will be killed. If you have many other PHP processes, then you do something like:

ps -ef | grep /home/calculatedata.php | cut_the_pid | kill -9