how to make a lsit c# unity code example

Example 1: how to create a public list unity

void Start () 
        //This is how you create a list. Notice how the type
        //is specified in the angle brackets (< >).
        public List<BadGuy> badguys = new List<BadGuy>();

        //Here you add 3 BadGuys to the List
        badguys.Add( new BadGuy("Harvey", 50));
        badguys.Add( new BadGuy("Magneto", 100));
        badguys.Add( new BadGuy("Pip", 5));


        foreach(BadGuy guy in badguys)
            print ( + " " + guy.power);

        //This clears out the list so that it is

Example 2: adding to a dictionary unity

Dictionary<string , int> someDictionary
someDictionary.Add("Five" , 5);