How to make a Spherical Cow?
cow = ExampleData[{"Geometry3D", "Cow"}];
Manipulate[cow /. GraphicsComplex[array1_, rest___] :>
GraphicsComplex[(# (Norm[#]^-coeff)) & /@ array1, rest],
{{coeff, .25}, 0, 1}]
To answer to Clément's comment, here is same thing with constant plot range :
Get cow as a mesh region:
cow = ExampleData[{"Geometry3D", "Cow"}, "MeshRegion"];
Take coordinates of 0 cells:
coords = MeshCoordinates[cow];
Get outer sphere that bounds cow:
boundary = RegionBoundary @ BoundingRegion[cow, "MinBall"];
You could also try other bounds like "FastCapsule". For example,
boundary = RegionBoundary @ BoundingRegion[cow, "FastCapsule"];
Compute nearest points on the sphere from cow:
npts = RegionNearest[boundary, coords];
Manipulate results using a linear transformation:
cells = MeshCells[cow, 2];
Manipulate[MeshRegion[(1 - t) coords + t npts, cells], {t, 0, 1}]
This answer does not produce very pretty outcomes, but it does correspond to the question request:
I was wondering if there is a way to apply a continuous deformation to the data to get the final sphere (like blowing a balloon).
One thing this solution is good for -- i.e. more useful than the other solutions :) -- is to derive autostereograms. See the last section.
Cow points
Generate random cow points:
region = DiscretizeGraphics@ExampleData[{"Geometry3D", "Cow"}];
cowPoints = RandomPoint[region, 6000];
ListPointPlot3D[cowPoints, BoxRatios -> Automatic]
Blowing up the cow (points)
Using this function:
BlowUp[points_, center_, sfunc_] :=
Map[sfunc[Abs[# - center]] (# - center) + center &, points]
and the continuous function:
With[{a = 0.11},
Piecewise[{{#, # < a}, {a Exp[2 (a - #)], # >= a}}] &][x],
{x, 0, 0.6}, PlotRange -> All]
we can blow up the cow points to get something close to a sphere:
sphCowPoints =
BlowUp[cowPoints, Median[cowPoints],
With[{a = 0.11, k = 2}, {1, 1.8, 2}
Piecewise[{{k Norm[#], Norm[#] < a},
{k a Exp[2 (a - Norm[#])], Norm[#] >= a}}] &]];
ListPointPlot3D[sphCowPoints, BoxRatios -> Automatic]
Magic eye spherical cows
Since Yves Klet mentioned the WTC-2012 one-liners competition and one of my entries was an autostereogram one-liner here is code that generates a simple spherical cows autostereogram:
rmat = N@RotationMatrix[-\[Pi]/4, {0, 0, 1}];
tVec = {0.1, 0, 0};
sirdPoints = NestList[Map[# + tVec &, #] &, sphCowPoints.rmat, 5];
MapThread[{GrayLevel[0.8 - #2], Point[#1]} &, {Flatten[sirdPoints,
1], 0.8 Rescale[Flatten[sirdPoints, 1][[All, 2]]]}](*,Lighter[
Blue],fence*)}, ViewPoint -> Front, Boxed -> False,
ImageSize -> 1200]