How to make a vertical \iff?

\Updownarrow is an extensible symbol, so you can use \Big in front of it.




a+b&=c \\
\Longupdownarrow \\


enter image description here

You can do that with a \rotatebox:



\[ A\mathrel{\mkern 3mu\rotatebox[origin =c]{90}{$\iff$}}B \]%


enter image description here

Edit: as suggested by @egreg, you might consider using \Longleftrightarrow, which has a different spacing on each side (i.e. above and below after rotation):

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}


    xxx yyyy zzz \\
A\mathrel{\mkern 3mu\rotatebox[origin =c]{90}{$\iff$}}B \\
 xxx yyyy zzz \\
 A\mathrel{\mkern 3mu\rotatebox[origin =c]{90}{$\Longleftrightarrow$}}B \\
    xxx yyyy zzz%


enter image description here