how to make background image blur in css code example
Example 1: how to do a background blur in css
backdrop-filter: blur(10px);
Example 2: how to blur the background image in html
.bg-image {
background-image: url("photographer.jpg");
filter: blur(8px);
-webkit-filter: blur(8px);
height: 100%;
background-position: center;
Example 3: image blur css
filter: blur(8px);
-webkit-filter: blur(8px);
Example 4: css blur background
backdrop-filter: none;
backdrop-filter: url(commonfilters.svg#filter);
backdrop-filter: blur(2px);
backdrop-filter: brightness(60%);
backdrop-filter: contrast(40%);
backdrop-filter: drop-shadow(4px 4px 10px blue);
backdrop-filter: grayscale(30%);
backdrop-filter: hue-rotate(120deg);
backdrop-filter: invert(70%);
backdrop-filter: opacity(20%);
backdrop-filter: sepia(90%);
backdrop-filter: saturate(80%);
backdrop-filter: url(filters.svg#filter) blur(4px) saturate(150%);
backdrop-filter: inherit;
backdrop-filter: initial;
backdrop-filter: unset;
Example 5: css blur background image only
// best workaround is two images layered... (one on left is on top)
background-image: url(opaque_blurred.png), url(regular_bakground_img.jpg);
// BAM! that right there is worth at least a buck donation ;-)