How to make canvas Resizable in javaFX?

The canvas class just needs to override isResizable() (everything else, which is suggested in other examples, is actually not necessary) :

public class ResizableCanvas extends Canvas
  public boolean isResizable()
      return true;

And in the Application the width and height properties of the canvas have to be bound to the canvas' parent:

public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception
    StackPane pane = new StackPane();
    ResizableCanvas canvas = new ResizableCanvas(width, height);



Listeners can be added to the width in height properties, in order to redraw the canvas, when it is resized (but if you need that and where to place it, depends on your application):


There's a guide that I think that you may find useful for setting up a resizable canvas:

JavaFx tip - resizable canvas

Piece of code from the guide:

 * Tip 1: A canvas resizing itself to the size of
 *        the parent pane.
public class Tip1ResizableCanvas extends Application {

    class ResizableCanvas extends Canvas {

        public ResizableCanvas() {
            // Redraw canvas when size changes.
            widthProperty().addListener(evt -> draw());
            heightProperty().addListener(evt -> draw());

        private void draw() {
            double width = getWidth();
            double height = getHeight();

            GraphicsContext gc = getGraphicsContext2D();
            gc.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);

            gc.strokeLine(0, 0, width, height);
            gc.strokeLine(0, height, width, 0);

        public boolean isResizable() {
            return true;

        public double prefWidth(double height) {
            return getWidth();

        public double prefHeight(double width) {
            return getHeight();

Of all the answers given, none of them actually worked for me in terms of making the canvas automatically resize with its parent. I decided to take a crack at this and this is what I came up with:

import javafx.scene.canvas.Canvas;

public class ResizableCanvas extends Canvas {

    public boolean isResizable() {
        return true;

    public double maxHeight(double width) {
        return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

    public double maxWidth(double height) {
        return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

    public double minWidth(double height) {
        return 1D;

    public double minHeight(double width) {
        return 1D;

    public void resize(double width, double height) {

This was the only one that actually made the canvas truly resizable.

My reasons for going with this approach is as follows:

  • I didn't want to break encapsulation by forcing the parent component to send us a width and height in the constructor which would also mean that the canvas cannot be used in FXML.
  • I also did not want to depend on the parent's width and height properties thus making the canvas the only child in it's parent, by taking up all the space.
  • Finally, the canvas needed to have it's drawing done in another class, which meant I could not use the current accepted answer which also included drawing to canvas via a draw method.

With this canvas, I do not need to bind to its parent width/height properties to make the canvas resize. It just resizes with whatever size the parent chooses. In addition, anyone using the canvas can just bind to its width/height properties and manage their own drawing when these properties change.

Taken from To make a JavaFx canvas resizable all that needs to be done is override the min/pref/max methods. Make it resizable and implement the resize method.

With this method no width/height listeners are necessary to trigger a redraw. It is also no longer necessary to bind the size of the width and height to the container.

public class ResizableCanvas extends Canvas {

public double minHeight(double width)
    return 64;

public double maxHeight(double width)
    return 1000;

public double prefHeight(double width)
    return minHeight(width);

public double minWidth(double height)
    return 0;

public double maxWidth(double height)
    return 10000;

public boolean isResizable()
    return true;

public void resize(double width, double height)