How to make chapter*, section* and subsection* appear in the table of contents

I don't think an specialized command exists for that. But you can use


to add it to the TOC. BTW, I didn't have problems with \chapter* and fancy, so I used:


Variations on this question have been asked and answered several times on the TeX-specific sister site:

  • Creating unnumbered chapters/sections (plus adding them to the ToC and/or header)
  • \tableofcontents does not list the unnumbered chapter
  • How to use \section*{something} without removing it from the Table of Contents?
  • Redefine \section* so it behaves exactly as \section except leaves out the number
  • ...

I'm going to copy over Werner's answer to the last of those, because it demonstrates a different technique from any of the existing answers to this question: redefine \section so that the only effect of \section* is to skip printing the section numbers. This will work even when sectioning commands are being issued from the guts of packages you don't control.

[...] Redefine \section to capture and condition on when the starred-version is used. Upon finding \section*, issue it just like you would \section, but remove the number-printing mechanism through an appropriate setting of the counter secnumdepth.

xparse provides an easy interface for (re)defining commands that may have a starred version, as well as an optional argument.


\RenewDocumentCommand{\section}{s o m}{%
    {\setcounter{@secnumdepth}{\value{secnumdepth}}% Store secnumdepth
     \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0}% Print only up to \chapter numbers
     \oldsection{#3}% \section*
     \setcounter{secnumdepth}{\value{@secnumdepth}}}% Restore secnumdepth
    {\IfValueTF{#2}% \section
       {\oldsection[#2]{#3}}% \section[.]{..}
       {\oldsection{#3}}}% \section{..}

(To do the same thing to \chapter, \subsection, etc., search-and-replace section appropriately, and adjust the temporary value used for secnumdepth.)

