How to make Chrome always launch with remote-debugging-port flag

For mac, I made a simple application that launches chrome with the --remote-debugging-port for me. Mathias Bynens has a wonderful post on how to do this (which is where I got the idea). He even includes a (forked) script that can do most of it for you, but the basics are really simple.

  1. Make a directory in your applications folder with the following structure <new app name>/Contents/MacOS:

    mkdir -p /Applications/Chrome\
  2. Create your script file and make it executable (its name need to match the top folder name):

    cd /Applications/Chrome\
    touch Chrome\ Debugger
    sudo chmod +x Chrome\ Debugger
  3. Edit the new file with your editor of choice (your path to chrome may be different):

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    /Applications/Google\\ Chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222&

And that's about it. You can add a custom icon if you want to make it easier to find (copy your new icon > right click the new app > Get Info > click the current icon in the top left > paste the new icon over current icon), but the app will work fine without it.

Rather than editing the registry, you can simply append the flag directly within the program properties by right clicking on the Chrome icon and adding...

--remote-debugging-port=9222 -- "%1" 

...onto the end of the target field.

enter image description here