How to make error message in TextInputLayout appear in center

I wanted to know if there is any way to handle it from framework..seems no.

But the way TextInputLayout work is:
- hint will be shown on top of EditText when user touches it.
- Error messages will be shown just under the TextInputLayout and aligned to start.

I had 40dp of left_margin to my EditText due to which misalignment between hint and error message. So for now, I removed left_margin 40dp from EditText and applied same to TextInputLayout itself so it looks fine now.

Lesson learnt :-) is if any margins has to be applied to EditText, better same, if possible, can be applied to TextInputLayout to keep hint and error messages to be placed properly.

class CenterErrorTextInputLayout(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet) : TextInputLayout(context, attrs) {
override fun setErrorTextAppearance(resId: Int) {
    val errorTextView = this.findViewById<TextView>(
    val errorFrameLayout = errorTextView.parent as FrameLayout

    errorTextView.gravity = Gravity.CENTER
    errorFrameLayout.layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)