How to make facebook comment box width 100% and responsive?

With reference to

Facebook comment plugin, they keep on updating new stuff but sometimes it ends up to a new bug.

So simple CSS will resolve the width issues.

/*Fb Comments Width Fix*/
.fb_iframe_widget_fluid_desktop, .fb_iframe_widget_fluid_desktop span, .fb_iframe_widget_fluid_desktop iframe {
            max-width: 100% !important;
            width: 100% !important;

Note: Make sure you use !important. Without important, it will not work as excepted.

This is was a facebook bug, check it out here:

The only available workaround is just using javascript.

Later edit: Bug fixed: You have to write: data-width="100%"

The width of the plugin. Either a pixel value or the literal 100% for fluid width. The mobile version of the Comments plugin ignores the width parameter, and instead has a fluid width of 100%.