How to make filter toolbar in JQGrid case insensitive and set a place holder in it?

If you are using a relatively new version of jqgrid you can set the following option to make the search case insensitive:

ignoreCase: true

Hope it helps.

You need to set ignoreCase: true in jqGrid options. The answer by @f01 did not work for me. I am using jqGrid version 4.6.0.

    datatype: "local",
    editurl: 'clientArray',
    caption: "Values",
    ignoreCase: true, //By default the local searching is case-sensitive. 
                      //To make the local search and sorting not 
                      //case-insensitive set this options to true

    colNames: ["", "", ""],
    colModel: [{
        name: "value",
        // .. more stuff