How to make Nuxt-auth and Nuxt-i18n to be friends

It seems that there was a solution for that problem, but I can't access to onRedirect method in the current release.

I did a workaround. I added auth-lang-redirect.js plugin, which overrides redirect option defined in the nuxt.config.js file.

export default ({ app }) => {
  var redirect = app.$auth.$storage.options.redirect
  for (var key in redirect) {
    redirect[key] = '/' + app.i18n.locale + redirect[key]
  app.$auth.$storage.options.redirect = redirect

Notice that I don't use nuxt-i18n module, but you should get the point. You have to register this plugin in nuxt.config.js like this:

auth: {
    strategies: { ... },
    redirect: {
      login: '/login',
      logout: '/',
      callback: '/login',
      home: '/user/profile'
    plugins: ['@/plugins/auth-lang-redirect.js']

export default function({ app, $auth }) {
  const redirect = { ...$auth.$storage.options.redirect };

  const localizeRedirects = () => {
    for (const key in redirect) {
      $auth.$storage.options.redirect[key] = app.localePath(redirect[key]);


  app.i18n.onLanguageSwitched = () => {

Hope it'll be helpful for somebody =)

export default ({ app, $auth }) => {
 $auth.onRedirect((to, from) => {
   return app.localePath(to)