how to make py.test --cov skip virtualenv directory

@alexamici answer is the correct one for virtualenvs, but for completeness, adding pyproject.toml (suggested config file for python projects) set up:

omit = [

In the root of your project, create file .coveragerc containing:

omit = path_to_libs_to_omit/*

Depending on your setup, you might need to add --cov-config=path/to/.coveragerc as option to the py.test command.

There are more options you can use to configure coverage.

This is how I managed to do it:

python_files = test_*.py *
addopts = -v -p no:warnings --nomigrations --cov=. --no-cov-on-fail


omit = venv/*

You should add your module's name to the --cov command line option, for example form pytest-cov documentation:

py.test --cov=myproj tests/

This restrict the coverage to the module myproj and all its sub-modules.