How to make python 3 print() utf8

This is the best I can dope out from the manual, and it's a bit of a dirty hack:

utf8stdout = open(1, 'w', encoding='utf-8', closefd=False) # fd 1 is stdout
print(whatever, file=utf8stdout)

It seems like file objects should have a method to change their encoding, but AFAICT there isn't one.

If you write to utf8stdout and then write to sys.stdout without calling utf8stdout.flush() first, or vice versa, bad things may happen.


TestText = "Test - āĀēĒčČ..šŠūŪžŽ" # this not is a Unicode string in Python 3.X.
TestText2 = TestText.encode('utf8') # this is a UTF-8-encoded byte string.

To send UTF-8 to stdout regardless of the console's encoding, use the its buffer interface, which accepts bytes:

import sys