How to make Stripe manually resend an event to webhook

Stripe cli allows this stripe events resend IDOFTHEEVENT --live --webhook-endpoint=IDOFTHEWEBHOOK (replace IDOFTHEEVENT by the id of the event, and IDOFTHEWEBHOOK by the id of the webhook which you can find in the URL when you are on a webhook's page).

Otherwise you can copy/paste the event sent to the webhook and sent it to your endpoint with a tool such as postman.

Since a 200 was returned, retrieving the event is going to be your best bet. Manual retries aren't currently possible (per

In live mode, we will attempt to deliver your webhooks for up to three days with an exponential back off. In test mode, we retry three times over a few hours. Webhooks cannot be manually retried after this time, though you can query for the event to reconcile your data with any missed events.

When viewing information about a specific event through the Dashboard, you can check how many times we've attempted to send an event to an endpoint by clicking on that endpoint URL in the Webhook details section. This will show you the latest response we received from your endpoint, along with a list of all attempted webhooks and the respective HTTP status codes we received.

It is possible to manually resend webhook events.

In the Stripe Dashboard, select Developers > Webhooks, then find the webhook your working with and press the little "resend" icon.

enter image description here

Note that for events which succeeded, you can still resend them by clicking the ellipsis and then "Resend" (this is a newer feature).