how to make text lowercase in python code example
Example 1: convert string to lowercase in python
str = 'HELLO'
#prints "hello"
Example 2: python convert string to lowercase
# By Alan W. Smith and Petar Ivanov
s = "Kilometer"
Example 3: python string to lower
str = 'heLLo WorLD'
# hello world
Example 4: python - convert to lowercase
students = ['Sarah', 'Mary', 'Anna', 'Charlotte']
# Option 1
students_lower = map(lambda x: x.lower(), students) # map() produces a generator
print(list(students_lower)) # give all elements of the generator
# Option 2
students_lower = [student.lower() for student in students] # list comprehension
# Option 3
students_lower = (student.lower() for student in students) # generator comprehension