How to manage distance between nodes in graphviz?
Just played around a bit and came up with the below graph, is this any closer to want to want?
digraph g{
graph [pad="0.5", nodesep="1", ranksep="2"];
node[shape = square];
"a1" [label="1'"];
"a2" [label="2'"];
"a3" [label="3'"];
"a4" [label="4'"];
"a5" [label="5'"];
"a6" [label="6'"];
"a7" [label="7'"];
edge[style=solid, constraint=false];
a->1[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
a->2[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
a->3[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
a->a1[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
a->a2[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
a->a3[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
b->1[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
b->3[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
b->7[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
b->a1[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
b->a3[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
b->a7[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
c->2[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
c->6[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
c->7[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
c->a2[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
c->a6[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
c->a7[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
d->1[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
d->4[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
d->7[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
d->a1[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
d->a4[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
d->a7[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
e->1[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
e->2[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
e->3[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
e->a1[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
e->a2[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
e->a3[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
f->1[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
f->4[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
f->7[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
f->a1[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
f->a4[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
f->a7[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
g->5[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
g->6[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
g->7[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
g->a5[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
g->a6[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
g->a7[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none];
To add to @uncletall answer (and partially address question), it looks like the nodesep and ranksep have big factors in how the nodes will be separated:
nodesep : double, default: 0.25, minimum: 0.02 In dot, nodesep specifies the minimum space between two adjacent nodes in the same rank, in inches.
For other layouts, nodesep affects the spacing between loops on a single node, or multiedges between a pair of nodes.
Valid for: Graphs.
The gives desired rank separation, in inches. This is the minimum vertical distance between the bottom of the nodes in one rank and the tops of nodes in the next.