How to manually trigger click for Dropzone (open select file dialog)

Quite late to the party here, but if you're looking for a solution for vue2-dropzone, (the vue wrapper for Dropzone.js), you can give the dropzone a reference (e.g <vue-dropzone ref=dropzone />), then call $refs.dropzone.$ to trigger the file upload dialog.

While using vue dropzone you can simply open file dialog using below line.


by default dropzone only works on on element it self, and if you try to run trigger manually it wont work. the best way i could find after searching A LOT was this:

to find dropzone instant there are several ways:

1- by jquery: var myDropZone = $('.dropzone').get(0).dropzone; or var myDropZone = $("div#dropmehere").dropzone({...}); if you are using id to find your element

2- by Dropzone class itself: var myDropzone = Dropzone.forElement("div#dropmehere");

now you can