How to map the result set of a JPA NativeQuery to a POJO using SqlResultSetMapping

@SqlResultSetMapping annotation should not be put on a POJO. Put it at (any) @Entity class. "Unknown SqlResultSetMapping [foo]" tells you, that JPA provider doesn't see any mapping under name 'foo'. Please see another answer of mine for the correct example

  • JPA- Joining two tables in non-entity class

Short working example:

  • DTO POJO class

    public class StatementDto {
        private String authorName;
        private Date createTime;
  • Repository bean:

    public class StatementNativeRepository {      
        @PersistenceContext private EntityManager em;
        static final String STATEMENT_SQLMAP = "Statement-SQL-Mapping";
        public List<StatementDto> findPipelinedStatements() {
            Query query = em.createNativeQuery(
                "select author_name, create_time from TABLE(SomePipelinedFun('xxx'))",
            return query.getResultList();
        @SqlResultSetMapping(name= STATEMENT_SQLMAP, classes = {
            @ConstructorResult(targetClass = StatementDto.class,
                columns = {
                    @ColumnResult(name="author_name",type = String.class),
                    @ColumnResult(name="create_time",type = Date.class)
        }) @Entity class SQLMappingCfgEntity{@Id int id;} // <- workaround

I able to do it this way:

Session session = em().unwrap(Session.class);
SQLQuery q = session.createSQLQuery("YOUR SQL HERE");
q.setResultTransformer( Transformers.aliasToBean( MyNotMappedPojoClassHere.class) );
List<MyNotMappedPojoClassHere> postList = q.list();