How to maximize command prompt in windows xp

Click on the top left icon in the window (the "C:\" one) and select "Properties".

Then select the "Layout" tab and change the window size to what you want it to be (I have 128x50 for the screen and 128x999 for the scroll buffer). You can also optionally set the top left position (I always have it at 1,1) if you don't want Windows itself deciding where the window goes.

When you click on OK, make sure you tell it to modify the shortcut that started the window.

Then it will remember.

This is for XP, other MS operating systems may vary slightly but the general idea should be the same.

Try this:

  1. In the Command window, right click the Title bar and select Properties from the popup menu. The property sheet appears.

  2. In the property sheet, select 'Full Screen' in the 'Display Options' box.

  3. Close the property sheet by clicking OK and select 'Save proeprties for future windows with same title'.

I would recommand that you use powershell

It also support full screen mode, and some other nice feature.