How to mock for testing in Haskell?

Why use unit testing when you can have Automated Specification-Based Testing? The QuickCheck library does this for you. It can generate arbitrary (mock) functions and data using the Arbitrary type-class.

"Dependency Injection" is a degenerate form of implicit parameter passing. In Haskell, you can use Reader, or Free to achieve the same thing in a more Haskelly way.

Another alternative:

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, RankNTypes #-}

import Control.Monad.RWS

data (Monad m) => ServiceImplementation m = ServiceImplementation
  { serviceHello :: m ()
  , serviceGetLine :: m String
  , servicePutLine :: String -> m ()

serviceHelloBase :: (Monad m) => ServiceImplementation m -> m ()
serviceHelloBase impl = do
    name <- serviceGetLine impl
    servicePutLine impl $ "Hello, " ++ name

realImpl :: ServiceImplementation IO
realImpl = ServiceImplementation
  { serviceHello = serviceHelloBase realImpl
  , serviceGetLine = getLine
  , servicePutLine = putStrLn

mockImpl :: (Monad m, MonadReader String m, MonadWriter String m) =>
    ServiceImplementation m
mockImpl = ServiceImplementation
  { serviceHello = serviceHelloBase mockImpl
  , serviceGetLine = ask
  , servicePutLine = tell

main = serviceHello realImpl
test = case runRWS (serviceHello mockImpl) "Dave" () of
    (_, _, "Hello, Dave") -> True; _ -> False

This is actually one of the many ways to create OO-styled code in Haskell.