How to mock ResourceBundle.getString()?

Instead of mocking you can create a dummy ResourceBundle implementation, and then pass it as an argument to .thenReturn(resourceBundle):

    import java.util.ResourceBundle;

    ResourceBundle dummyResourceBundle = new ResourceBundle() {
        protected Object handleGetObject(String key) {
            return "fake_translated_value";

        public Enumeration<String> getKeys() {
            return Collections.emptyEnumeration();

    // Example usage

If you need the actual keys and values, then you'll need to provide an implementation for getKeys(), e.g. a hashmap for storage and key lookup.

@Powermockito did not worked as ResourceBundle.class have static final methods which were not easy to mock.

I tried.

In the Main Class extract your method inside another public method, and then overide it with implementaion.

Here ReviewEChannelApplicationMBean is my Controller, where i overrriden the getBundle.

ReviewEChannelApplicationMBean = spy(new ReviewEChannelApplicationMBean(){
            public ResourceBundle getBundle(FacesContext fcContext) {
                return TestDataBuilder.getResourceBundle();

//This Class i my TestDataBuilder using ListResourceBundle

public class TestDataBuilder {
    public static ResourceBundle getResourceBundle() {
            return new ListResourceBundle(){

                protected Object[][] getContents() {
                    return contents;

                private Object[][] contents = {


You'll find an example of solution below :

@PrepareForTest({ ResourceBundle.class })
public class ResourceBundleTest {

    public void getStringByPowerMock() throws Exception {   
        ResourceBundle resourceBundle = PowerMockito.mock(ResourceBundle.class);
        Mockito.when(resourceBundle.getString(Mockito.anyString())).thenReturn("Hello world....");


I figured out a way to mock ResourceBundle by subclassing ResourceBundle.Control. My answer is here:

I prefer to avoid the dynamic bytecode rewriting (to remove final) of PowerMock, JMockit and friends, since Jacoco and other things seem to hate it.


